Unitary k-designs from random number-conserving quantum circuits

Published in arxiv, 2023

Local random circuits scramble efficiently and accordingly have a range of applications in quantum information and quantum dynamics. With a global \(U(1)\) charge however, the scrambling ability is reduced; for example, such random circuits do not generate the entire group of number-conserving unitaries. We establish two results using the statistical mechanics of k-fold replicated circuits. First, we show that finite moments cannot distinguish the ensemble that local random circuits generate from the Haar ensemble on the entire group of number-conserving unitaries. Specifically, the circuits form a kc-design with \(kc = O(L^d)\) for a system in \(d\) spatial dimensions with linear dimension L. Second, for \(k < kc\), the depth \(\tau\) to converge to a k-design scales as \(\tau \gtrsim kL^{d+2}\). In contrast, without number conservation \(\tau \gtrsim kL^d\). The convergence of the circuit ensemble is controlled by the low-energy properties of a frustration-free quantum statistical model which spontaneously breaks \(k\) \(U(1)\) symmetries. The associated Goldstone modes are gapless and lead to the predicted scaling of \(\tau\). Our variational bounds hold for arbitrary spatial and qudit dimensions; we conjecture they are tight.

Recommended citation: Sumner N. Hearth, Michael O. Flynn, Anushya Chandran, and Chris R. Laumann arXiv:2306.01035
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